Selasa, 15 Oktober 2013

Lunafly at Klik Magazine Launch (Sungei Wang Plaza)

Hi all ^^

So I decided to update my blog today about last Sunday event I had attended
Yeah I was lucky enough to meet Lunafly so close that day
They are so damn handsome in real life especially YUN ,.I just can't >< fall for Yun again currently
I had been become their fans before they release their song to public officially
It's true that I like K-Indie so much but Lunafly is the first K-Indie band that can made me so deeply in love like this haha

They came over to KL at the early of this year but my mom didn't allow me to go,
I am far away from home and  yeah definitely my parent will not know if I go though but at the end I didn't go to the event last time

Sad story ,kinda disappointed also but last sunday I managed to meet them!! and for free xixixi

I didn't tell to my mom I was going to Sungei wang alone *oops

There were not too many fans came so I could get nice strategic spot to saw them xixixi

Looks like Teo and Sam were looking at me on this photo hahaaa,I got shy every time They looked over the area where I standing at .
My heart kept skipping a beat  LOL  

Not well prepared,I asked Thailand fans paper at the venue and wrote it at the last 10 minutes before the event end and I think Yun didn't see  when I was holding this :(
No idea what to wrote,,this is the only word came out on my mind,
Using banmal with  ㅋ closing LOL
But seriously  I think I LOVE YOU YUN XD

I really had a good time,It could be nice if I can see Handsome Yun Cute Teo and Cool Sam everyday hahaaha

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